Monday, June 6, 2011

Memorial Day Wknd at the Ranch

There are a few places on this earth where I can go and just feel 'right'.
Heaton Ranch is that for me.
  I've been going since I was 12 yrs. old and it feels the same each time I go.  It's like all the jumbled up stuff in my life seems to kind of 'settle down'. 
My perspective changes and I regain my focus.
Even when there are lots of people up there, and some of them are cranky or ornery, if I tune that out, I can still feel that peace.
Waking up to the sun and the birds on a lazy morning, visiting and, yes, gossiping with family, cooking for the army, and taking a walk around the pond are all part of the fare. 
I treasure each moment I'm up there - on invitation from my fabulous cousins.  I savor each "hello, how are you", each hug, each smile, and each shy glance from a toddler long after I've left.
To my youngest girls who love for us to take them there - "I'm glad you do".  

To Jon and Amelia, who came up - rather reluctantly - "Thanks for coming - even tho it turned out to not be a shorter trip the next day due to the sink hole detour". 
To my dear Heaton family, who've adopted me and invited us each work day, THANK YOU a Million Trillion!!

I hope I can keep coming till I'm old(er) and gray(er).

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