Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Musings

Family - aren't they the best invention ever?
L to R: Karen, Patricia, Mom, Joyce, Steve (1964?)
I don't just mean your immediate family either - even though I couldn't live without them. I also include uncles, cousins, aunts, and in-laws. My sister and her husband, Joyce and Steve are in Chile on a mission. I was never really super worried about them with the earthquake and everything - and they are just fine. But, then I started playing the "what if" game in my head. BTW-I don't recommend this game - it's terrible! To make this short, let's just say that I would be really, really upset if anything did happen to any of my sisters or my brother. I am glad they are well and safe. I am glad to realize how much I love them.

Some, but not all, of us - around July of 2004 - at Bear Lake.

Now, for the random stuff.

*While watching Jessica's soccer game this weekend, Rachel and I decided that we should be in charge of naming the teams. Some of our favorites:
The C
abbage Patch kids vs. The Barbie dolls
The Jelly Beans vs. The Gum Balls

The Busy Bees vs The Stink Bugs

The Red Hot Chicken Wings vs The Spare Ribs
We were laughing so hard we were crying....

*Rachel: "Mom, will you help me pick out something to wear?"
Me: You never like what I pick out."

Rachel: "Please?"


Me: "Wow! You're
wearing what I picked out!"
Rachel: "I was in a hurry. I didn't have time to not like it."

*Jessica: "Mom, can I go watch a movie at Jill's?"
Me: "H
ave you done all your chores?"
(Jessica gives me the sideways contrite look with a pouty smile.)

Me: "You know I can't say 'no' when you look at me like that!"

Jessica: "I don't mean to!"

*We are sitting in a full downpour while watching soccer games:
Dan: "Are you getting wet?"

*Me to Jess, while walking to church:
"My feet must have shrunk. My shoes keep slipping out of my feet."

(wait, reverse that)

*My favorite for the week:
Rachel, singing f
rom 'The Music Man': "Sha-poopie, sha-poopie..."
Dan chimes in: "On the floor...."

(retro pic of Dan - 1981!!)
Things I find annoying today:
--Runny noses and sore throats
--Rain only on weekends - again :(
--Grumpy teenagers
--Bathrooms that need to be cleaned a day after you cleaned them
--Obama and health care reform - I've heard enough!

Things I am happy about today:
--I've lost another pound - plus inches! yay!
--No boot! I am walking boot free!
--A considerate and unselfish husband
--Phone calls from Meli
--A letter from my missionary

--And - gotta love 'em!!

Why's words....
(or, things I wonder about...)
--If heat escapes through your head, are bald men always cold??
--If 2 yards of denim fabric costs between $10-$15 - why are there jeans that cost $250+?
--Why would a sane person pay $250+ to cover their bottoms, when $10 covers it as well?
--What is the purpose of body hair?

That's all for this week!


Tricia Bateman said...

Hahaha, I love your Monday Musings! Thanks for making me laugh :)

Tricia Bateman said...

Oh and Brother Stone and Loren look so much alike in those photos!

Amelia Brame said...

Hahaha I totally laughed out loud at the "Sha-poopie" story! I love Dad's funny jokes ;)