Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Montezuma's Gold!!

Thar's gold in them thar hills!!!
While in Kanab for a weekend in January, 
Dan and Rachel decided to do a little investigating on the "rumor?" or "conclusions" that Montezuma's Gold is in the 3 lakes area north of Kanab.  
Check out the story at
 Both of these "2 peas in a pod" love searching for treasures!!  So, of course we had to go look around.  

Looks a bit spooky all covered in ice.  Not hard to imagine all the ghosts of conquistadors that the first scuba divers said that they saw in the watery cave!

 The property is on Hwy 89 just north of Kanab about 8 miles.  It is privately owned with "no trespassing" signs all over, but Dan and Rachel always ignore those signs.

 Sadly, the federal government (with the environmentalists help) shut down the owners attempts to locate the treasure due to the existence of an endangered SNAIL!!
Well, if it wasn't on private property and rumors of ghost abound, I think Dan & Rachel would have had on their scuba gear and been diving for the cave entrance.

We can save that for another weekend!!

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