Friday, October 1, 2010

September begins and ends with Soccer

September sees our family in full-swing soccer mode.
August was spent in training, try-outs and pre-season. October will see us in end of season and state play-offs, but September is all out soccer.

Which means:
5 hours 2-3 times a week at the soccer fields - just watching and cheering
Eating out of a cooler or the concession stand 2-3 times a week.

Juggling rides and cars with the newly returned missionary.
Hot, sweaty and dusty skin - cuz it just won't cool down this year!!
Sore backs and tushies from all that sitting.
Doing the girls chores for them since practices last until 5:30 each day.
Hoarse voices from all that cheering (and yes, I admit it, yelling at the referees!)
Incredibly horrible smells emanating from both girls soccer cleats and socks!!
Inspecting all of Jessica's injuries and hoping she doesn't get more.
Searching the sports page each morning after a game.
Encouraging Rachel to play harder and meaner (but she won't unless she gets mad).

Playing photographer for each game.
Getting home late after games.
Disappointment after the losses.

And REJOICING after the wins!!

This MIGHT be our last year of soccer.
Jess graduates and Rachel wants to focus on running (another page on that later...).

I think I MIGHT miss it!!

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