Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Magic revisited

Jess -- finishing breakfast before all the candy!
 I do believe that Christmas is made more magical with little ones around.
That anticipation and fluttery feelings in your stomach, the feeling that you just can't wait to open that certain present are enhanced by the presence of children.
I DO have children, but the youngest is going on 16.

Jess & Rachel - getting into their stockings
So, in my own complicated mind, I re-focused this year.
No longer expecting those feelings mentioned above, I eagerly anticipated the gathering of loved ones for a day. 
I planned, I prepared, I really looked forward to it - avoiding any stress or "gift" hassles as much as possilbe.
And it worked!
Danny & Mary - checking out their stockings
Loren & Daniel - waiting for the fun to begin!
Jessica - "what did Santa bring me???"
Rachel - "What did Santa bring ME??  (Jess is wondering about the size differences....)

Mary - "What could it be??
Still going on that stocking candy!
Christmas was really wonderful this year!!
Rachel - STILL opening that BIG gift!!

1 comment:

Jessica Belle said...

How come Rachel got such a big present?? ;) haha jk dawg. Thanks for making Christmas great, mom! :)